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Jersey Action Against Rape
To celebrate International Womens day, I have created a special limited edition collection made with extra love for a charity close to my heart - JAAR. This outstanding local charity provides support to women who have experienced sexual assult or trauma. The huns at JAAR create a safe space for thoose for who need some love and healing, and that's why all the money raised from these earrings will go to towards JAAR.
More about JAAR
Jersey Action Against Rape is an independent and confidential service helping people to recover from the trauma of sexual violence.
JAAR has a dedicated helpline, website and on site counselling with access to qualified and specially trained counsellors and psychotherapists.
JAAR is working to prevent the incidence of rape and sexual assault in Jersey by raising awareness, dispelling the myths surrounding rape and promoting progressive thinking towards survivors of rape and sexual abuse.Need help?
Contact JAAR
Jersey Action Against RapeNeed help right now?
Dewberry House is another great charity offering counselling, forensic and aftercare services for those who might need them.